Alice in Wonderlandish.
Maybe this will be a short post! I am working my way through all the beautiful and amazing reviews you have left from your experiences at the cabin and what it meant to you. And I am doing this not to feel good about what we all started here (and I mean we because it was a project to create a Forest place we’d love to go to that isn’t a beachfront Airbnb and isn’t on some mountain somewhere like you see al over IG, but a place just to appreciate and be in the trees). A place to restore, something that isn’t ostentatious - simple yet cozy.
I think it is still sinking in how MAGICAL it is and has become. Well…. I suppose anytime MAGIC can be created that is really amazing and to be cherished. It is heart filled. Big time.
“Alice in Wonderlandish” is one of my favourite quotes from you.
The Forest is foremost a place to go and restore, and oasis away from the rest of the world. It is an OASIS, that is true. So many of you have used that word to describe it. It has been for me and for so many. Somehow you need to have a piece of that to remind you what OASIS means. Like a reset or a baseline? Almost part of our personal mental health plan, however we find it?
The last few years we all have shifted. Humans I mean. All of us.
The SHIFT I think is back to our homes and our special places being an oasis for us away from the world. Even our experience in the world is an OASIS? We have re-learned to value our connections and special people and cherish them, and value our time more, and be more particular about our experiences we create. Because in part a lot of the last few years are really about just staying alive, doing our jobs or making a living and buying good food at reasonable prices (good anything at reasonable prices?), not working too much so we have time for family but know we need to work a lot just to live as well as we can? There is just so much going on out there that needs our attention, the injustices out there coming more and more to light because of dedicated people too, that we want to do or say more about. And how we need positive space to restore in because there just is so much going on.
We all need Alice in Wonderland.
It cannot all be about just getting by and surviving, or even finding our most prosperous way, we need to restore. Look after ourselves. Have some magic. have some “Alice in Wonderlandish”.
I’d also call it “Find your Waldeness”, but to me that is more about restoring than MAGIC but they are intertwined (restoring can be magical?).
Hang on for one more bit here if I still have you…. I posted about Back to Roots earlier this year and what that is about. And it is still unfolding, so look for more this year.
ONE WAY that materializes is DISCOUNTS.
One way I have that coming up for APRIL is a ONE WEEK DISCOUNT above the weekly discount, for returning guests only. I want to give back to our returning guests. So that is the 15% WEEKLY DISCOUNT, plus the 5% APRIL DISCOUNT, plus an additional 10% DISCOUNT for this offer. Not sure what the math works out to.
If you want to book it just message me before you book, I take the 10% off then before you book it on top of whatever the App automatically does.
It is about magic because a week out there (at least 3 or 4 days really) is what you need to just come back to your life having almost totally forgotten it was there. So that is why, if you’re asking, I am encouraging you to book ONE WEEK.
See you soon :)